PHI110. Reason and Argument. 3 Credits.
The identification, reconstruction, and evaluation of deductive and inductive arguments. Analytic skills are developed through critical analyses of examples of reasoning found in newspaper articles, scientific journals, statistical reports and ethical debates.
- Liberal Arts
PHI120. Introduction to Western Philosophy. 3 Credits.
Some main philosophical problems concerning human beings and their place in the universe as discussed in a selection of classic philosophical texts from Greek antiquity through the modern period. Philosophy majors may receive credit in the major for only one of the following introductory courses: PHI120, PHI130, PHI140.
- Effective Expression/Written
- Ethical Reflection
- Liberal Arts
- Systematic Inquiry
- GE4: Western Civilization
- GE5: World History Global Aw
PHI130. Introduction to Philosophical Problems. 3 Credits.
Some main problems of philosophy as discussed by contemporary philosophers and by thinkers in the history of philosophy. Problems may include free will, mind and body, existence of God, ethical relativism, egoism, knowledge and belief. Philosophy majors may receive credit in the major for only one of the following introductory courses: PHI120, PHI130, PHI140.
- Effective Expression/Written
- Ethical Reflection
- GE3: HUM
- GE4: Humanities
- GE5: Humanities
- Liberal Arts
- Systematic Inquiry
PHI140. Introduction to Global Philosophy. 3 Credits.
An examination of fundamental topics in various philosophical traditions, such as knowledge, the nature of the person, and the good life. Readings are drawn from diverse civilizations and periods of world philosophy. Philosophy majors may receive credit in the major for only one of the following introductory courses: PHI120, PHI130, PHI140.
- Liberal Arts
- GE5: World History Global Aw
- GE4: World Civilizations
- Must have the following level: Undergraduate
PHI180. Contemporary Moral Issues. 3 Credits.
An examination of several issues in contemporary applied ethics, such as abortion, euthanasia, capital punishment, the treatment of animals, global poverty, immigration, and sexual morality.
- GE3: HUM
- GE4: Humanities
- GE5: Humanities
- Liberal Arts
PHI190. Elements of Reasoning. 1 Credit.
Brief introduction to the elements of informal logic: the recognition, analysis, and evaluation of arguments.
- Liberal Arts
- Must have the following level: Undergraduate
PHI193. Selected Topics, Philosophy. 3-12 Credits.
Selected topics courses are regularly scheduled courses that focus on a particular topic of interest. Descriptions are printed in the Schedule of Classes each semester. Selected topics courses may be used as elective credit and may be repeated for credit, provided that the topic of the course changes.
PHI201. Symbolic Logic. 3 Credits.
Techniques for determining the correctness of statements and arguments. Topics include truth-functional and quantificational logic.
- Liberal Arts
- GE4: Mathematics
- GE5: Mathematics
- Systematic Inquiry
PHI211. Ancient Greek Philosophy. 3 Credits.
A general introduction to the origin and development of philosophical thought among the Pre-Socratics, Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle, with a detailed analysis of representative texts. Problems in metaphysics, epistemology, ethics, politics, and religion in their historical and cultural context.
- Critical Thinking Introductory
- Critical Think Reason Intro
- Effective Expression/Written
- Ethical Reflection
- Liberal Arts
- Systematic Inquiry
- GE4: Western Civilization
- GE5: World History Global Aw
PHI215. Modern Philosophy. 3 Credits.
Philosophy of the 17th and 18th centuries: Bacon, Hobbes, Descartes, Spinoza, Leibnitz, Locke, Berkeley, Hume, and/or Kant. Topics may include: subject/object, mind/body, self/other; theories of knowledge; ethical and political theories.
- Effective Expression/Written
- GE5: Humanities
- Liberal Arts
- Systematic Inquiry
- GE4: Western Civilization
PHI252. East Asian Philosophy. 3 Credits.
A survey of East Asian philosophy, covering the formative Warring States philosophies, Buddhism, and Neo-Confucianism. Topics include human nature and the good life, good governance, and gender in East Asia.
- Effective Expression/Written
- Ethical Reflection
- Liberal Arts
- Systematic Inquiry
- GE5: World History Global Aw
- GE4: World Civilizations
PHI270. Philosophy and the American Founding. 3 Credits.
Examination of documents and ideas crucial in the founding of America, with particular attention to philosophical assumptions and arguments. A consideration of seventeenth- and eighteenth-century influences and consequences into the nineteenth century.
- Liberal Arts
- GE4: United States Studies
- GE5: US History Civic Engmnt
- Must have the following level: Undergraduate
- Must not be enrolled in the following class: Freshman
PHI293. Selected Topics, Philosophy. 3-12 Credits.
Selected topics courses are regularly scheduled courses that focus on a particular topic of interest. Descriptions are printed in the Schedule of Classes each semester. Selected topics courses may be used as elective credit and may be repeated for credit, provided that the topic of the course changes.
- Liberal Arts
PHI295. Indep Study Philosophy. 0 Credits.
PHI299. Modular Course. 1 Credit.
PHI303. Environmental Ethics. 3 Credits.
Philosophical issues in environmentalism. Questions to be considered include whether nature has objective value and can animals have rights. The implications of environmental thought for policy questions will also be explored.
- Liberal Arts
- Must have the following level: Undergraduate
- Must not be enrolled in the following class: Freshman
PHI304. Ethics. 3 Credits.
Examination of the major theories of ethical evaluation and justification. Some attention may be given to questions of relativism, the relation between religion and morality, and contemporary issues.
- Critical Thinking Intermediate
- Critical Think Reason Interm
- Liberal Arts
- Must have the following level: Undergraduate
- Must not be enrolled in the following class: Freshman
PHI305. Business Ethics. 3 Credits.
Analysis, in light of ethical theories, of moral issues arising in business: economic justice, corporate social responsibility, conflict of interest, investment and production, ethics in advertising, environmental responsibility, discrimination.
- Liberal Arts
- Must have the following level: Undergraduate
- Must not be enrolled in the following class: Freshman
PHI306. Biomedical Ethics. 3 Credits.
A study of the ethical issues arising in the practice of the medical and health sciences. Issues include abortion, euthanasia, genetic research, cloning, and doctor-patient relations.
- Liberal Arts
- Must have the following level: Undergraduate
- Must not be enrolled in the following class: Freshman
PHI307. Philosophy of Mind. 3 Credits.
Philosophical issues concerning human mind and behavior. Topics may include: action, intention, motive, cause, desire; psychological theories such as behaviorism and psychoanalysis; cognitive psychology; the mind/body problem.
- Liberal Arts
- Must have the following level: Undergraduate
- Must not be enrolled in the following class: Freshman
PHI308. Philosophy and Technology. 3 Credits.
Philosophical examination of the nature and history of technology, as well as its impact on humans and the world. Possible topics include artificial intelligence, genetic engineering, nanotechnology, virtual reality, and social media. Historical and contemporary writings.
- Liberal Arts
- Must have the following level: Undergraduate
- Must not be enrolled in the following class: Freshman
PHI310. Later Greek and Roman Philosophy. 3 Credits.
Selected works of the ancient Stoics, Epicureans, Skeptics, and Neoplatonists in their historical and cultural context.
- Effective Expression/Written
- Ethical Reflection
- GE5: Humanities
- Liberal Arts
- Systematic Inquiry
- GE4: Western Civilization
- Must not be enrolled in the following class: Freshman
PHI311. Medieval and Renaissance Philosophy. 3 Credits.
Selected works of Jewish, Islamic, and Christian philosophers of the medieval period. The transition from the Middle Ages to Modernity in the Renaissance.
- Effective Expression/Written
- Ethical Reflection
- Liberal Arts
- Systematic Inquiry
- GE4: Western Civilization
- Must not be enrolled in the following class: Freshman
PHI314. 19th-Century Philosophy. 3 Credits.
Selected authors and problems. Topics may change from year to year. Hegel, Schopenhauer, Marx, Nietzsche, Comte, Mill, and F.H. Bradley are among the authors who may be studied.
- Liberal Arts
- Must have the following level: Undergraduate
- Must not be enrolled in the following class: Freshman
PHI320. God, World, and Soul. 3 Credits.
The existence and nature of God, reason and faith, religious experience, immortality, miracles, the problem of evil. Ancient, medieval, modern, and contemporary authors of different philosophical and religious persuasions.
- Liberal Arts
- Must have the following level: Undergraduate
- Must not be enrolled in the following class: Freshman
PHI321. Religion, Ethics, and Society. 3 Credits.
Religion in relation to the development of moral ideas, and to individual morality and social and political institutions. Ancient, medieval, modern, and contemporary authors and documents from Jewish, Christian, and other traditions.
- Liberal Arts
- Must have the following level: Undergraduate
- Must not be enrolled in the following class: Freshman
PHI325. The Meaning of Life. 3 Credits.
An examination of various theories on the nature, purpose, and meaning of human existence. Readings, from both historical and contemporary sources, will include religious, atheistic, existentialist, analytic, and literary perspectives.
- Liberal Arts
- Must have the following level: Undergraduate
- Must not be enrolled in the following class: Freshman
PHI327. Philosophy of Death. 3 Credits.
An investigation of a variety of conceptual, metaphysical, epistemological, existential, and ethical issues regarding death. Topics may include the definition of death, the meaning and value of death, views of the afterlife, and suicide.
- Liberal Arts
- Must have the following level: Undergraduate
- Must not be enrolled in the following class: Freshman
PHI330. Chinese Philosophy. 3 Credits.
The thought of the classical period of Chinese philosophy. Topics include human nature, self-cultivation, and proper government. Particular attention given to Confucianism and Daoism.
- Liberal Arts
- Must have the following level: Undergraduate
- Must not be enrolled in the following class: Freshman
PHI332. Buddhist Philosophy. 3 Credits.
An exploration of Buddhist philosophies throughout Asia, from its origins to the present. Topics include Buddhist views on the self, reality, knowledge, and ethics, including contemporary moral questions.
- Liberal Arts
- Must have the following level: Undergraduate
- Must not be enrolled in the following class: Freshman
PHI334. Indian Philosophy. 3 Credits.
A survey of Indian philosophies, focusing on Hindu and Buddhist philosophies. Topics include the nature of reality, the nature of the self, what knowledge is, the problem of suffering, and the goal of human life.
- Effective Expression/Written
- Ethical Reflection
- Liberal Arts
- Systematic Inquiry
- GE5: World History Global Aw
- GE4: World Civilizations
- Must have the following level: Undergraduate
- Must not be enrolled in the following class: Freshman
PHI336. Philosophy of Language. 3 Credits.
Structure and meaning of spoken and written language. Topics may include:signs and meaning, ambiguity, the origin of language, ordinary usage, poetic and magical language.
- Liberal Arts
- Must have the following level: Undergraduate
- Must not be enrolled in the following class: Freshman
PHI341. Philosophy and Literature. 3 Credits.
A study of philosophical questions as presupposed or expressed in different genres of literature. Topics will relate to the philosophy of literature or the literary treatment of philosophical questions. Background knowledge in Philosophy, English, or both would be helpful to students.
- Liberal Arts
- Must have the following level: Undergraduate
- Must not be enrolled in the following class: Freshman
PHI343. Aesthetics. 3 Credits.
Problems concerning the interpretation and evaluation of works of literature and fine art. Readings from philosophers and from critics and historians of literature and the arts. Illustrations from the arts of different periods and genres.
- Effective Expression/Written
- GE3: HUM
- GE4: Humanities
- GE5: Humanities
- Liberal Arts
- Systematic Inquiry
- Must have the following level: Undergraduate
- Must not be enrolled in the following class: Freshman
PHI344. Philosophy of the Arts. 3 Credits.
Meaning and truth in the arts; the place of the arts in human life. Readings from philosophers such as Plato, Aristotle, Plotinus, Hegel, Schopenhauer, and Nietzsche. Illustrations from the arts of different periods and genres.
- Effective Expression/Written
- GE3: HUM
- GE4: Humanities
- GE5: Humanities
- Liberal Arts
- Systematic Inquiry
- Must have the following level: Undergraduate
- Must not be enrolled in the following class: Freshman
PHI352. Existentialism. 3 Credits.
Selected works of philosophers on existence and being in their historical, cultural, and spiritual contexts.
- Liberal Arts
- Must have the following level: Undergraduate
- Must not be enrolled in the following class: Freshman
PHI353. Phenomenology. 3 Credits.
Selected works on phenomenological method in their historical, cultural, and spiritual context.
- Liberal Arts
- Must have the following level: Undergraduate
- Must not be enrolled in the following class: Freshman
PHI357. Philosophy of Love and Sex. 3 Credits.
An examination of the conceptual, metaphysical, epistemological, and ethical issues relating to love and sex. Readings from historical and contemporary authors.
- Liberal Arts
- Must have the following level: Undergraduate
- Must not be enrolled in the following class: Freshman
PHI360. Feminist Philosophy. 3 Credits.
An overview of important figures, topics, and methods in the history of feminist philosophy and contemporary feminist and queer theory, with some focus on the contributions of women of color.
- Diversity
- Liberal Arts
- Must have the following level: Undergraduate
- Must not be enrolled in the following class: Freshman
PHI372. Political and Social Philosophy. 3 Credits.
Inquiry into the meaning and justification of such basic concepts of social and political life as authority, equality, justice, and liberty.
- Liberal Arts
- Must have the following level: Undergraduate
- Must not be enrolled in the following class: Freshman
PHI375. Philosophy of Law. 3 Credits.
The nature of law and its relation to morality and other human concerns. Specific problems concerning law and liberty, justice, responsibility and punishment. Readings from classic and contemporary philosophers and from court opinions.
- Liberal Arts
- Must have the following level: Undergraduate
- Must not be enrolled in the following class: Freshman
PHI381. Contemporary Philosophers. 3 Credits.
Major works of selected contemporary philosophers, such as Whitehead, Russell, Wittgenstein, or Heidegger. (May be repeated for credit.)
- Liberal Arts
- Must have the following level: Undergraduate
- Must not be enrolled in the following class: Freshman
PHI382. Contemporary Buddhism. 1 Credit.
An exploration of modern Buddhist thought, its presentation to Western audiences, the relationship between Buddhism and science, and how Buddhism fits in the modern world.
- Liberal Arts
- Must not be enrolled in the following class: Freshman
PHI393. Selected Topics, Philosophy. 3-12 Credits.
Selected topics courses are regularly scheduled courses that focus on a particular topic of interest. Descriptions are printed in the Schedule of Classes each semester. Selected topics courses may be used as elective credit and may be repeated for credit, provided that the topic of the course changes.
- Liberal Arts
- Must have the following level: Undergraduate
- Must not be enrolled in the following class: Freshman
PHI399. Modular Course. 1-12 Credits.
- Liberal Arts
PHI461. Philosophy of Natural Science. 3 Credits.
Review of the elements of scientific method; examination of the role of concepts, hypotheses and laws in science, and selected topics such as cause, space and time.
- Liberal Arts
- Must not be enrolled in the following class: Freshman
PHI465. Philosophy of Social Science. 3 Credits.
An examination of some of the basic assumptions, concepts and special problems of the social sciences, the nature and limits of their explanations and predictions, and the objectivity of their inquiries. Examples will be taken from contemporary work in anthropology, sociology, economics or social psychology.
- Liberal Arts
- Must not be enrolled in the following class: Freshman
PHI471. Theory Of Knowledge. 3 Credits.
What is knowledge and how can it be obtained? Topics may include: knowledge and belief; different kinds of knowledge in different domains; discursive and non-discursive knowledge; skepticism. Readings from philosophers past and present.
- Information Literacy Intermed
- Information Mgmt Intrmd
- Liberal Arts
- Writing Intensive
- Must not be enrolled in the following class: Freshman
PHI474. Metaphysics. 3 Credits.
The nature of reality as a whole; events and things; particulars and universals; cause and effect; space and time; mind, matter, and God. One or more metaphysical systems may be studied.
- Information Literacy Intermed
- Information Mgmt Intrmd
- Liberal Arts
- Writing Intensive
- Must not be enrolled in the following class: Freshman
PHI490. Seminar. 3 Credits.
An advanced seminar on a selected topic. The course may be taken multiple times.
- Critical Thinking Advanced
- Critical Think Reasoning Adv
- Information Literacy Advanced
- Information Mgmt Advanced
- Liberal Arts
- Must not be enrolled in the following class: Freshman
- Must be enrolled in the following field(s) of study (major, minor or concentration): Philosophy (550)
PHI493. Selected Topics, Philosophy. 3-12 Credits.
Selected topics courses are regularly scheduled courses that focus on a particular topic of interest. Descriptions are printed in the Schedule of Classes each semester. Selected topics courses may be used as elective credit and may be repeated for credit, provided that the topic of the course changes.
- Must not be enrolled in the following class: Freshman
PHI494. Fieldwork in Phl. 1-12 Credits.
- Must not be enrolled in the following class: Freshman
PHI495. Indep Study Philosophy. 1-12 Credits.
- Liberal Arts
- Must not be enrolled in the following class: Freshman