CMM100. Introduction to Communication. 3 Credits.
Survey of the study of human communication including: the classical origins of the discipline; the value and impact of symbols; the role of communication in human behavior.
- Liberal Arts
- GE4: Social Science
- GE5: Social Sciences
- Must have the following level: Undergraduate
CMM104. Public Speaking. 3 Credits.
Communicating an idea successfully to an audience in a "one-to-many" speaking situation. Emphasis on creating, researching, organizing, and presenting speeches.
- Liberal Arts
CMM193. Communication Selected Topic. 3-12 Credits.
Selected topics courses are regularly scheduled courses that focus on a particular topic of interest. Descriptions are printed in the Schedule of Classes each semester. Selected topics courses may be used as elective credit and may be repeated for credit, provided that the topic of the course changes.
CMM202. Interpersonal Communication. 3 Credits.
Communicating successfully in personal and social relationships. Survey of the human element in communication with a focus on skills in self assertion, listening, perception, and understanding relationships.
- Critical Think Reason Intro
- Information Literacy Intro
- Liberal Arts
CMM204. Small Group Communication. 3 Credits.
Problem solving in decision-making committees. Survey of group processes in task-oriented contexts. Practice in the techniques of organizing, leading, and participating in effective group discussions.
- Liberal Arts
CMM214. Storytelling and Culture. 3 Credits.
Storytelling as an audience-centered product of culture. Students research and perform stories from a variety of cultures, with an emphasis on the societal factors that shape group identity. Each student's stories come from three different cultures.
- Diversity
- Effective Expression/Oral
- Liberal Arts
CMM231. Writing for Public Relations. 3 Credits.
Introduction to norms of journalistic styles of writing, including interview techniques, newsworthiness, proforma conventions of objectivity, and Associated Press (AP) style. 90% of "news stories" are written by Public Relations practitioners. Students learn those skills.
- Liberal Arts
- Must have the following level: Undergraduate
CMM275. Asian Perspectives of the Self. 3 Credits.
Understand how native language(s) and cultural expectations influence our perception and communication. Draw on relational dynamics in multiple Asian traditions to explore dynamic connection and mutual respect. Students conduct personal research and do partnered teaching.
- GE5: Humanities
- Liberal Arts
- Must have the following level: Undergraduate
CMM293. Communication Selected Topic. 3-12 Credits.
Selected topics courses are regularly scheduled courses that focus on a particular topic of interest. Descriptions are printed in the Schedule of Classes each semester. Selected topics courses may be used as elective credit and may be repeated for credit, provided that the topic of the course changes.
- Liberal Arts
CMM295. Independent Study Communication. 1-12 Credits.
CMM299. Communication Modular. 0 Credits.
- Liberal Arts
CMM302. Business and Professional Communication. 3 Credits.
Exploration of the challenges of communication and self-presentation in the 21st century work environment. Course topics include theoretical and applied aspects of communication channels, message forms, and persuasive techniques as related to various professional scenarios.
- Liberal Arts
- Must not be enrolled in the following class: Freshman
CMM312. Design and Public Relations. 3 Credits.
Practical course in journalistic editing and design, with emphasis on producing publication-ready work for multimedia.
- Practicum - Non-Clinical
- Liberal Arts
- Must have the following level: Undergraduate
- Must not be enrolled in the following class: Freshman
- Must be enrolled in the following field(s) of study (major, minor or concentration):
- English (522)
- Interpersonal / Intercultural (505I)
- Journalism (523)
- Journalism (JRN)
- Organizational (505O)
- Public Relations (505R)
- Relational Communication (505C)
- Strategic Communication (505T)
CMM315. Introduction to Strategic Communication. 3 Credits.
Students will gain an understanding of the nature of strategic communication and how it contributes to the success of businesses, organizations, and advocacy. In written assignments and presentations, students will draw on communication theory to analyze and create strategic messages in the spheres of business, government, nonprofits, interest groups, and civics.
- Liberal Arts
- Must have the following level: Undergraduate
- Must not be enrolled in the following class: Freshman
CMM316. Strategic Public Relations Campaigns. 3 Credits.
Research based campaign strategies for businesses and non-profits. face-to-face, traditional, and social media strategies are taught. Students create internal speeches, newsletters, public service announcements, media releases, targeted external speeches, brochures, social media plans, and slide shows.
- Service Learning
- Critical Think Reasoning Adv
- Information Literacy Advanced
- Liberal Arts
- Must have the following level: Undergraduate
- Must not be enrolled in the following class: Freshman
- Must be enrolled in the following field(s) of study (major, minor or concentration):
- Digital Media Management (552)
- Interpersonal / Intercultural (505I)
- Journalism (523)
- Organizational (505O)
- Public Relations (505R)
- Relational Communication (505C)
- Strategic Communication (505T)
- CMM315 Minimum Grade of C-
CMM317. Social Media and Public Relations. 3 Credits.
The study of social media and search engine optimization to promote products, services, and causes. Creation or analysis of current platforms such as Linkedin, Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Google+ and WordPress. Viral and networking strategies, such as # and @ are included.
- Must have the following level: Undergraduate
- Must not be enrolled in the following class: Freshman
- Must be enrolled in the following field(s) of study (major, minor or concentration):
- Digital Media Management (552)
- Interpersonal / Intercultural (505I)
- Journalism (523)
- Organizational (505O)
- Public Relations (505R)
- Relational Communication (505C)
- Strategic Communication (505T)
- CMM315 Minimum Grade of C-
CMM318. Organizational Reputation and Stakeholder Engagement. 3 Credits.
Communicative dimensions of organizational reputation and stakeholder engagement. Evaluation stakeholder theory, cross-sector collaboration, leadership, trust, race, gender, and uncertainty in relation to stakeholder relationships and organizational reputation.
- Liberal Arts
- Must have the following level: Undergraduate
- Must not be enrolled in the following class: Freshman
CMM324. Crisis, Risk, and Disaster Communication. 3 Credits.
Introduces theories, practices, and models of crisis, risk, and disaster communication, including situational crisis communication theory, stakeholder communication and engagement, collaboration and communication, and the role of culture, identity, and place on disaster communication.
- Liberal Arts
- Must not be enrolled in the following class: Freshman
CMM325. Computer-Mediated Communication. 3 Credits.
Introduces students to theories, practices, and evaluations of how modern computer technology is used to mediate human communication. The course focuses on how computer-mediated communication impacts communication in a number of specific communication contexts.
- Liberal Arts
- Must have the following level: Undergraduate
- Must not be enrolled in the following class: Freshman
CMM326. Environmental Communication. 3 Credits.
Introduces the relationship between communication and the natural world, including the formation of environmental beliefs and attitudes. Survey of contemporary environmental issues, key debates, and campaigns to affect sustainable outcomes.
- Liberal Arts
- Must have the following level: Undergraduate
- Must not be enrolled in the following class: Freshman
CMM334. Communicating Corporate Social Responsibility. 3 Credits.
Examination of communicative dimensions of corporate social responsibility (CSR) including the role of Business/Nonprofit partnerships, sustainability, and CSR communication. Introduces the Triple Bottom Line of People, Planet, and Profit and stakeholder models for communication CSR.
- Liberal Arts
- Must have the following level: Undergraduate
- Must not be enrolled in the following class: Freshman
- CMM315 Minimum Grade of C-
CMM350. Human Communication Theory. 3 Credits.
This course introduces students to communication theory, focusing on the core theories that have influenced the field of communication. Through class discussion, oral presentation, and written work, students will critique and build upon communication theory and apply theories and to real-world scenarios. Attention given to links among theoretical paradigms, research methods, and practical applications.
- Liberal Arts
- Must have the following level: Undergraduate
- Must be enrolled in one of the following classes: Senior, Junior
- Must be enrolled in the following field(s) of study (major, minor or concentration): Communication Studies (505)
CMM352. Qualitative Communication Research Methods. 3 Credits.
An introduction to the methodology and practice of qualitative research. Students gain practice in the critique of qualitative communication research literature, and are exposed to research paradigms, approaches to qualitative research, and ways to collect and analyze qualitative data. Students will design, carry out, and present their own qualitative communication research project.
- Critical Think Reason Interm
- Information Literacy Intermed
- Liberal Arts
- Must have the following level: Undergraduate
- Must not be enrolled in the following class: Freshman
CMM353. Persuasion and Social Influence. 3 Credits.
Analysis of social aspects of influence and persuasion, cultural bases for belief and theories of attitude change. Principals and process of influencing human behavior in a variety of contexts.
- Critical Think Reason Intro
- Information Literacy Intro
- Liberal Arts
- Must have the following level: Undergraduate
- Must not be enrolled in the following class: Freshman
CMM354. Quantitative Communication Research Methods. 3 Credits.
Provides undergraduates with principles and basic skills necessary to criticize research literature; develops minimal proficiencies in structuring designs basic to descriptive and experimental studies, including data collection, analysis, and presentation techniques in communication research.
- Research
- Critical Think Reason Interm
- Information Literacy Intermed
- Liberal Arts
- Must have the following level: Undergraduate
- Must not be enrolled in the following class: Freshman
CMM355. Nonverbal Communication. 3 Credits.
Survey of the vocabulary, theoretical principles and research in nonverbal communication. Topics include: physical appearance; gesture; posture; touch; facial expressions; eye behavior; vocal cues; and the use of time and territory.
- Liberal Arts
- Must have the following level: Undergraduate
- Must not be enrolled in the following class: Freshman
- Must not be enrolled in the following field(s) of study (major, minor or concentration): Comm Disorders Post-BA (089)
CMM357. Argumentation. 3 Credits.
Principles and techniques of advocacy, including the establishment of claims, the requirements of proof and the standards of evidence. Surveys the field of argumentation in social and philosophical settings.
- Liberal Arts
- Must have the following level: Undergraduate
- Must not be enrolled in the following class: Freshman
CMM358. Conflict Management. 3 Credits.
Exploration of antecedents, processes, and outcomes associated with conflict communication in friendships, courtships, marriages, divorces and the workplace.
- Liberal Arts
- Must have the following level: Undergraduate
- Must not be enrolled in the following class: Freshman
CMM359. Communication Among Cultures. 3 Credits.
Understanding how culture shapes our perceptions and communication behaviors. Strategies for effective cross-cultural and intercultural communication.
- Diversity
- Liberal Arts
- Systematic Inquiry
- Must have the following level: Undergraduate
- Must not be enrolled in the following class: Freshman
CMM360. Organizational Communication. 3 Credits.
Overview of communication processes in large-scale, hierarchical organizations. Emphasis on interviewing, committee decision-making, and developing business/professional presentations.
- Critical Think Reason Intro
- Information Literacy Intro
- Liberal Arts
- Must have the following level: Undergraduate
- Must not be enrolled in the following class: Freshman
CMM362. Leadership and Communication. 3 Credits.
Analyze the empirical, theoretical, and practical aspects of leadership from a communication perspective. Leadership contexts ranging from small group to society. Issues of culture, gender, an ethics and how leaders shape social reality.
- Liberal Arts
- Must be enrolled in one of the following classes: Senior, Junior
- Must be enrolled in the following field(s) of study (major, minor or concentration):
- Communication Studies (505)
- Communication Studies (CMM)
CMM370. Relational Communication. 3 Credits.
This course emphasizes the study of foundational theories, methods of research, and evolving perspectives in interpersonal communication. It explores how human relationships are created, negotiated, maintained, and terminated.
- Liberal Arts
- Must have the following level: Undergraduate
- Must not be enrolled in the following class: Freshman
CMM374. Language & Everyday Conversation. 3 Credits.
Explores frameworks and techniques for analyzing everyday talk, including how we use language as a practical tool during ordinary interpersonal conversation as well as in organizational settings (e.g., medicine, broadcast media, law, education).
- Liberal Arts
- Must have the following level: Undergraduate
- Must not be enrolled in the following class: Freshman
CMM375. Social Change and Advocacy Communication. 3 Credits.
Examines the communicative dimensions of social change and advocacy work. Topics include social movements, communication networks, political advocacy, media affordances, and insights from local social and community changes practitioners.
- Diversity
- Liberal Arts
- Must have the following level: Undergraduate
- Must not be enrolled in the following class: Freshman
CMM379. Communication, Culture, and Difference. 3 Credits.
Explores the communication practices of particular communities including (but not limited to) populations which are marginalized or understudied. The course emphasizes advanced methods for studying how cultural communication intersects with markers of difference.
- Liberal Arts
- Must have the following level: Undergraduate
- Must not be enrolled in the following class: Freshman
CMM389. Perceptions of Diversity in Communication. 3 Credits.
Analysis of individual and social elements that shape perceptions of diversity in human communication. Examines how bias, empathy, and morality operate when people communicate. Concepts related to communication and psychology applies to issues of diversity.
- Liberal Arts
- Must have the following level: Undergraduate
- Must not be enrolled in the following class: Freshman
CMM393. Communication Selected Topic. 1-12 Credits.
Selected topics courses are regularly scheduled courses that focus on a particular topic of interest. Descriptions are printed in the Schedule of Classes each semester. Selected topics courses may be used as elective credit and may be repeated for credit, provided that the topic of the course changes.
- Liberal Arts
- Must have the following level: Undergraduate
- Must not be enrolled in the following class: Freshman
CMM399. Communication Modular. 1-12 Credits.
CMM430. Training and Development. 3 Credits.
Focuses on the design and delivery of training programs and performance interventions beginning with the needs assessment and continuing through the evaluation phase. Students will also learn the theoretical and practical aspects of both instructional communication and talent development.
- Service Learning
- Research
- Liberal Arts
- Must have the following level: Undergraduate
- Must be enrolled in one of the following classes: Senior, Junior
CMM450. Negotiation. 3 Credits.
Communication strategies for surviving conflicts in organizational settings. Analysis and application of theoretical models of conflict management.
- Liberal Arts
- Must not be enrolled in the following class: Freshman
CMM451. Political Communication. 3 Credits.
Examines the principles and practices of political communication by exploring the structure and strategies of presidential and legislative discourse. Topics include the impact of mass-mediated political messages and the rhetorical functions of political campaigns.
- Liberal Arts
- Writing Intensive
- Must not be enrolled in the following class: Freshman
CMM452. Communication and Gender. 3 Credits.
Influences of gender on language, speech and communication pragmatics. Topics discussed within a variety of communication contexts.
- Liberal Arts
- Must not be enrolled in the following class: Freshman
CMM454. Organizational Communication Seminar. 4 Credits.
Synthesis of research regarding the role of communication in large, complex organizations. Study and application of research methods for analyzing organizational variables that affect communication behavior.
- Research
- Critical Think Reasoning Adv
- Information Literacy Advanced
- Information Mgmt Advanced
- Liberal Arts
- Writing Intensive
- Must not be enrolled in the following class: Freshman
- Must be enrolled in the following field(s) of study (major, minor or concentration): Organizational (505O)
CMM455. Relational Communication Seminar. 4 Credits.
Synthesis of research regarding the role of communication in interpersonal relationships. Study and application of research methods for analyzing interpersonal variables that affect communication behaviors.
- Critical Think Reasoning Adv
- Information Literacy Advanced
- Information Mgmt Advanced
- Liberal Arts
- Writing Intensive
- Must not be enrolled in the following class: Freshman
- Must be enrolled in the following field(s) of study (major, minor or concentration):
- Interpersonal / Intercultural (505I)
- Relational Communication (505C)
CMM456. Seminar in Strategic Communication. 4 Credits.
A senior-level capstone course in which students hone and apply public relations skills to several major public relations projects - written, oral, and visual. Students create, compose, and analyze proposals, business plans, as well as budgets and budget proposals.
- Liberal Arts
- Writing Intensive
- Must have the following level: Undergraduate
- Must be enrolled in the following class: Senior
- Must be enrolled in the following field(s) of study (major, minor or concentration):
- Public Relations (505R)
- Strategic Communication (505T)
CMM490. Internship in Communication. 1-12 Credits.
Internship in communication. Satisfactory/Fail.
- Must have the following level: Undergraduate
- Must not be enrolled in the following class: Freshman
- Must be enrolled in the following field(s) of study (major, minor or concentration): Communication Studies (505)
CMM491. Internship Seminar. 1 Credit.
The analytical component to internship experience. Students produce daily logs, professional article reviews, and a final project with accompanying analysis.
- Liberal Arts
- Must have the following level: Undergraduate
- Must not be enrolled in the following class: Freshman
CMM493. Communication Selected Topic. 3-12 Credits.
Selected topics courses are regularly scheduled courses that focus on a particular topic of interest. Descriptions are printed in the Schedule of Classes each semester. Selected topics courses may be used as elective credit and may be repeated for credit, provided that the topic of the course changes.
- Liberal Arts
- Must not be enrolled in the following class: Freshman
CMM494. Fieldwork Communication. 1-12 Credits.
- Must not be enrolled in the following class: Freshman
CMM495. Independent Study Communication. 1-12 Credits.
- Must not be enrolled in the following class: Freshman
CMM499. Modular Course. 1-12 Credits.