Program Overview

MA/MAT Adolescence Ed: English (103E)

This program is designed for students who have already earned their MA in English Literature or Creative Writing and are returning for the MAT in Adolescence Education to teach English in grades 7-12.

Program Coordinator Meg Davis Roberts, (845) 257-2856,
Program ID 103E
Credits MAT is 45 -- up to 12 credits from the MA English program will be transferred in reducing the overall credits to 36
Program Length 1 year if studying full-time, program must be completed in 5 years
Modality In-person
Full-time/Part-time Full-time or Part-time
Transfer Credits 9-12
Capstone Practicum
Certification NYS Initial/Professional Teaching Certificate in Adol Ed: English

MAT/MA English (204E)

This program is designed for students who have already earned their MAT in Adolescence Ed: English and are returning for the MA in English. 

Program Coordinator Michelle Woods, (845) 257-2753,
Program ID 204E
Credits MA is 30 -- 9 credits from the MAT Adol Ed: English program will be transferred in reducing the overall credits to 21
Program Length 1 year if studying full-time, program must be completed in 7 years
Modality In-person
Full-time/Part-time Full-time or Part-time
Transfer Credits 9
Capstone Comprehensive Exam or Thesis

Program Description

Our joint MA/MAT program is designed for students who wish to have the benefits of additional graduate study in English through the MA program and who wish to earn a New York State teaching credential (grades 7-12, English) through the MAT program.

The program is open to graduate students matriculated in the MA English or the MAT Adolescence Education: English program in good academic standing with a minimum 3.0 GPA without any grades of F (fail) or I (incomplete). Students are able to share 9 credits of English between both degree programs and save more than $4000 in tuition. 

For program information contact:

Dr. Michelle Woods, Professor, Department of English 

Dr. Meg Davis Roberts, Assistant Professor, Adolescence Education and TESOL

For admission information contact: 

Graduate Admission at  

Apply to a SUNY New Paltz graduate programAdmission Requirements

To apply, students must: 
  1. Select the term when they plan to begin their second graduate degree program. For example, if students plan to graduate in May 2023, then they should select Fall 2023 as their entry term for the second degree.  

  2. Select the MA/MAT concentration code of their second graduate degree program  

  • 103E for current or former MA English majors looking to add the MAT program.  
  • 204E for current or former MAT majors looking to add the MA degree. 
  1. Upload an application essay explicating their reasons for seeking an additional degree. 

  2. Upload an internal transcript of graduate-level coursework completed thus far at New Paltz. 

  3. Request one additional letter of recommendation.  

  •  MA students pursuing the MAT (103E) would need a letter from an individual who can speak to their talents for working with young people. 
  •  MAT students pursuing the MA (204E) would need a letter from an English professor. 

Graduate Checklist

  • Apply for graduation via under “Graduation” tab according to the schedule in the academic calendar.   

  • Resolve any pending admission conditions (outlined in your acceptance letter) and/or missing documents if applicable. 

  • Review your progress report via to ensure that you have completed all program requirements.  

  • Remember that only two grades below a B- may be applied to your plan of study 

  • Contact your advisor if you need to amend your plan or process transfer credit. 

  • Ensure that you are in good academic standing with a GPA (Grade Point Average) of 3.0 or higher. 

  • Pass your capstone or culminating assessment. 

  • Complete your degree within the specified time limit outlined in the Program Overview. 

Application Deadlines

April 1 Fall Admission
November 1 Spring Admission
Accepting on a rolling basis until the program is full. However, students who submit after the deadline may get news of acceptance after advanced registration and some classes may be full.

Sample Plan of Study

First Semester (17 Credits)
SED540Graduate Foundations of Adolescence Education Seminar1
EDS539Social Foundations of Education 3
EDS730Adolescent Development 3
Two English Graduate Courses 16
SED703Curriculum: Designs for Literacy, Learning, and Assessment in Adolescence Education3
SED551Field Experience I 1
Second Semester (17 Credits)
SPE565Teaching in Inclusive Classrooms 3
SED525Digital Literacies and Learning in Secondary Education1
SED XXX: Discipline-Specific Methods Course 23
English Graduate Course 13
SED552Field Experience II 1
SED XXX Discipline-Specific Education Course 23
English Elective - by advisement3
Third Semester: Student Teaching (14 Credits)
SED553Field Experience III 1
SED604Practicum in Secondary Ed 7-96
SED605Practicum in Secondary Ed 10-126
SED606Practicum Seminar1
Total Credits48

A graduate course from the student's MA English degree will be transferred into the MAT Adol Ed: English program to fulfill this requirement.


Discipline-specific education coursework combines content and content-specific pedagogical methods.

Sample Plan of Study: Literature Specialization

Review the MA English - Literature Specialization Plan of Study for a listing of pre and post 1800 course offerings.

Literature Before 18009
Literature After 18009
ENG585Studies in Contemporary Criticism and Theory3
Graduate Electives 19
ENG599Graduate Comprehensive Exam Registration0
Total Credits30

Up to nine credits of applicable graduate coursework from the student's MAT Adol. Ed: English degree will be transferred into the MA English program to fulfill this requirement.

Sample Plan of Study: Creative Writing Specialization 

Review the MA English - Creative Writing Specialization Plan of Study for a listing of pre and post 1800 course offerings.

Literature Before 1800 13
Literature After 1800 19
ENG585Studies in Contemporary Criticism and Theory3
Complete THREE Creative Writing Workshops9
Workshop in Fiction and Memoir 2
Workshop in Poetry 2
ENG544Seminar in Teaching Creative Writing3
ENG590Thesis in English 3
ENG599Graduate Comprehensive Exam Registration0
Total Credits30

Up to nine credits of applicable graduate coursework from the student's MAT Adol Ed: English degree will be transferred into the MA English program to fulfill these requirements.


These courses are repeatable for credit.

Program Learning Outcomes

Adolescence Education English (MAT) 

Candidates who successfully complete all required components of the Adolescence Education English (MAT) program at SUNY New Paltz will: 

  • Content Knowledge:Demonstrate content area mastery by completing 12 hours of graduate-level coursework in English that builds on a BA/English degree or the equivalent as well as accomplishing performance targets in an exit examination in English education. 
  • Planning: Plan lessons in the English language arts that are standards-based; structured in accordance to learners’ needs; use differentiated instructional strategies and appropriate technologies; promote diversity and inclusion; and contribute to safe, democratic, and equitable learning environments. 
  • Assessment and Learning for Adolescents, grades 7-12:Choose, design, and implement authentic and appropriate formative and summative assessments to evaluate student learning; Use assessment data when making instructional decisions; identify effective or problematic teaching moments as they are occurring in order to facilitate student growth in the English language arts, including adolescents’ cognitive and/or social skills. 
  • Pedagogical Practice: Demonstrate varied, imaginative, and relevant teaching strategies that include appropriate and effective technology, effective questioning and discussion, and a variety of developmentally and contextually appropriate strategies to support critical thinking and meaningful learning in the English language arts. 
  • Dispositions:Demonstrate integrity of character and ethical conduct; participate effectively in institutional change; and develop respectful relationships with students, families, communities and colleagues. 
  • Critical Thinking and Reasoning:  Clearly articulate an issue or problem; identify, analyze, and evaluate ideas, data, and arguments as they engage in planning, assessing, and teaching; and acknowledge limitations such as perspective and bias as they develop well-reasoned arguments to form judgements and/or draw conclusions that support pedagogical decisions. 

  • Information Literacy:  Locate appropriate resources effectively using appropriate tools; evaluate information with an awareness of authority, validity, and bias; and demonstrate an understanding of the ethical dimensions of information use, creation, and dissemination as they relate to the field of education. 


English (MA)  

Candidates who successfully complete all required components of the MA in English program at SUNY New Paltz will have: 

  • Proficiency in the critical and/or theoretical reading of literary texts. 
  • Mastery of the conventions of discipline-specific academic discourse.
  • Ability to conduct advanced research.
  • Effective oral communication skills through intensive class discussion and formal presentations.
  • Knowledge of premodern literary cultures.
  • Knowledge of modern literary cultures.