Already Have a Master’s Degree?

Enhance your marketability with one of our Advanced Certificates.

Advanced Certificate in School Leadership

The CAS Program in School Leadership is designed to prepare caring, critical, and reflective professionals to succeed as school leadersThe program leads to professional NYS certification as a School Building Leader and School District Leader and has been updated to better serve working teachers and other educational professionals.

Advanced Certificate in School Business Leadership

The CAS in School Business Leadership consists of 24 credit hours of school business courses and a six-credit supervised internship in school business.  Students complete three core courses as well as specific business courses customized for the school district business leader candidate. Candidates will also have to pass the State Education Department school district business leadership exam prior to being recommended for certification.

Advanced Certificate in Social Justice Education

The 15-credit Advanced Certificate in Social Justice Education is designed for teachers and other educational professionals who are interested in enhancing their cultural competencies. This Post-Master's certificate program provides educators with the knowledge and skills needed for culturally-responsive teaching and leadership, as well as, approaches for creating socially-just educational settings. This program does not lead to a NYS teaching certificate.

Advanced Certificate in Bilingual Education Extension

This 16-credit Advanced Certificate in Bilingual Education is designed for persons who already have New York State teacher certification and wish to obtain the New York State Bilingual Extension, or currently enrolled students pursuing a master’s degree in another SUNY New Paltz program (must already hold or be pursuing Initial Certification in that program).

Advanced Certificate in Teaching English to Second Language Learners

This clinically-rich Advanced Certificate in Teaching English to Second Language Learners is designed for initially and professionally NYS certified teachers who have an interest in working with multilingual learners. This convenient program allows teachers to complete fieldwork in their own classrooms, assigns a mentor teacher in their building, offers classes on Saturdays, and leads to a NYS certification in teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) all grades. 
NOTE: Contact the department before applying to this program.