To declare a minor, contact the Center for Business Advising at 845-257-2909, or stop by the office, VH 206.

Minor in Business

18 credits

Students majoring in a discipline other than Business can minor in Business. A minimum grade of C- is required for courses to count toward the minor.

Pre-requisites for the minor in Business:

ECO206Principles of Microeconomics3
ECO207Principles of Macroeconomics3
Required Courses (18 Credits)
BUS201Financial Accounting 3
BUS250Principles of Management 3
BUS309Statistics for Business and Economics I3
BUS325Marketing 3
BUS341Fundamentals of Corporate Finance 3
BUSxxxBusiness elective, by advisement3
Total Credits18

Minor in Business Analytics

21 credits

The Business Analytics minor is open to both School of Business and non-School of Business students who have the required mathematics background and a strong desire to acquire big-data analytical skills alongside their majors.

A Math Placement Level (MPL) of 5 or equivalent is required, and students must first complete BUS095 Excel Tutorial. It is strongly recommended that students interested in the Business Analytics minor complete BUS095 Excel Tutorial and attain MPL 5 before their junior year (Year 3).

A minimum grade of C- is required for courses to count toward the Business Analytics minor.

Required Courses (15 Credits)
BUS095Excel Tutorial0
BUS309Statistics for Business and Economics I3
BUS311Statistics for Business and Economics II 3
BUS347Introduction to Business Analytics3
BUS348 Decision Modeling and Analysis3
BUS349Data Management and Big Data3
Elective Courses (6 Credits)
Select two of the following:6
Advanced Business Analytics
Supply Chain Analytics
Marketing Analytics 1
Analytics in Health Care
Times Series Analysis for Business
Business Intelligence and Analytics 1
Data Visualization
Financial Analytics 1
Digital Marketing Analytics 1
Total Credits21

Additional prerequisites required.

Suggested Sequences

BUS095 Excel Tutorial and MPL 5 before Year 3 (recommended):

Eight-Semester Plan
Year 3
BUS309 Statistics for Business and Economics I 3
BUS311 Statistics for Business and Economics II 3
BUS347 Introduction to Business Analytics 3
Year 4
BUS348 Decision Modeling and Analysis 3
BUS349 Data Management and Big Data 3
Elective courses 1 6
 Total Credits21

e.g. BUS381 Advanced Business Analytics, BUS389 Times Series Analysis for Business

No BUS095 Excel Tutorial and MPL 5 before Year 3:

Eight-Semester Plan
Year 3
Prerequisite courses (do not course toward the minor)  
BUS095 Excel Tutorial 0
MAT171 Mathematical Methods for Business 3
BUS309 Statistics for Business and Economics I 3
BUS349 Data Management and Big Data 3
Year 4
BUS311 Statistics for Business and Economics II 3
BUS347 Introduction to Business Analytics 3
BUS348 Decision Modeling and Analysis 3
Elective courses 1 6
 Total Credits24

e.g. BUS381 Advanced Business Analytics, BUS389 Times Series Analysis for Business