(18 credits)

This program is designed to introduce the student to the nature and significance of law in Western society. Required and elective courses examine

  • the role of law in America,
  • the history, organization, and dynamics of legal institutions,
  • the relationship of law to contemporary social questions,
  • legal principles governing business, commerce, and labor, and
  • law in the contemporary international system.

Up to three credits of upper-division selected-topic courses (393 or 493), by prior approval of the chair of the Department of Political Science & International Relations, may count for credit in this minor.

A maximum of two courses used to meet the minor requirements can be used for a distinct minor/major.

Students must earn a grade of C- or better in courses used for the Law & Politics minor.

Required Courses (9 Credits)
POL350Introduction to Law 3
POL317The American Judiciary 3
POL351Constitutional Law: National Government 3
or POL352 Constitutional Law: Civil Liberties
Electives (9 Credits)
Select three of the following:9
Blacks and the American Law
Legal Environment of Business 1
Business Law for Accountants 1
Mass Media Law
Business Ethics
Philosophy of Law
Political Obligation and Punishment
Constitutional Law: National Government 2
Constitutional Law: Civil Liberties 2
Criminal Law
Sex Discrimination and the Law
International Law
Juvenile Delinquency
Criminological Theory
Reproductive Law and Policy
Total Credits18

A maximum of three credits of BUS271 Legal Environment of Business or BUS272 Business Law for Accountants may be credited toward the minor.


The Constitutional Law course not taken as a required course may be taken as an elective.