Selected Topic courses (293, 393, 493) and courses not listed below but included in the Schedule of Classes under International Relations will count as electives in the major or minor.


ANT214Principles of Cultural Anthropology3
ANT305Cultures of South America3
ANT306Cultures of Brazil3
ANT370Cultures of East Asia3
ANT404Political Anthropology 3
ANT421Gender and Anthropology 3

Black Studies

BLK200Introduction To Africa 3
BLK302Survey of Contemporary Africa: Nineteenth Cent to Present 3
BLK309Introduction to Afro-Brazilian History 3
BLK311Blacks in the Caribbean, 1492-Present 3
BLK325History of Slavery in the Americas 3
BLK347History of South Africa 3
BLK450The Portuguese in Africa 3


ECO309Economic Development of Latin America3
ECO310Economic Development of Asia-Pacific3
ECO401International Trade and Finance 3
ECO418Economics of Development 3


FRN319French Civilization 4
FRN320Francophone Cultures 4


GEO201Human Geography3
GEO213Economic Geography3
GEO331Gender and Environment3
GEO411Political Geography3
GEO506Contemporary China Alternate year/Spring 3


GER316Germany Today 3


HIS214Modern Europe4
HIS215China to 18003
HIS216Modern China 4
HIS311Modern Germany 3
HIS317World War II 3
HIS318Europe Since 19453
HIS335Modern Japan 3
HIS343History of Islam and the Middle East 570-19183
HIS344The Middle East in the 20th Century 3
HIS353Twentieth-Century Europe 3
HIS373The Holocaust 3
HIS377History of Mexico3
HIS379US Foreign Policy Since 18983
HIS467The United States in Vietnam 3
HIS550America and Vietnam 3

Latin American, Caribbean & Latinx Studies

LAM270Introduction to Latin American Studies 3

Political Science

POL220Athens and Jerusalem: Political Thought in the Ancient and Medieval Worlds4
POL227Intro International Politics4
POL229Intro to Comparative Politics 4
POL300Political Science Research Methods4
POL323Sovereigns, Subjects, and the State: Modern Political Thought4
POL324International Relations Theory 3
POL336Middle Eastern Politics and Institutions 3
POL339Model United Nations 3
POL341Revolution and Counterrevolution 3
POL342Politics of Developing Areas 3
POL344Politics of International Economic Organizations 3
POL345War and International Politics 3
POL346International Political Economy 3
POL347Politics of Environment and Development 3
POL353International Relations of the Americas 3
POL354European Politics and Government 3
POL357International Law 3
POL362Politics of China and India3
POL363Chinese Foreign Pol and US 3
POL364Nationalism in World Politics 3
POL365International Politics of the Asia-Pacific 3
POL366American Foreign Policy3
POL368Defense Issues in American Foreign Policy 3
POL369Governments and Politics of China and Japan 3
POL370United Nations Semester 6
POL371Latin American Politics 3
POL372International Relations of the Middle East 3
POL373Russian Politics: Past and Present 3
POL374Politics of the European Union 3
POL379Women in Politics 3
POL390Junior Seminar in Political Science4
POL393Pol Sci Selected Topic3-12
POL401Seminar in American Government and Politics 4
POL403Seminar in Comparative Politics 4
POL404Seminar in International Relations 4
POL405Seminar in Political Theory 4
POL406Seminar in Law 4
POL480Government Internship 9-15
POL484State Politics Semester 15
POL493Polit Sci Selected Topic3-12
POL494Fieldwork In Political Science1-12
POL495Indep Study Political Science1-12

(See also Study Abroad, below)

Religious Studies



SOC310Comparative Political Economy 3
SOC380Social and Economic Development 3


SPA365The Culture and Civilization of Spain 4
SPA372Culture of Latin America4

Study Abroad

SAB353Global Engagement Program9

Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies

WOM340Transnational Feminism3
WOM430Women in the Caribbean3