Why study German?
German is the language behind such works of art as the poetry of Goethe and the latest Porsche. The German language and cultural program at SUNY New Paltz can provide you with important skills for your personal and professional development.
German language skills can enhance your competence in areas as diverse as music, the biological sciences, engineering, literature, and film. At SUNY New Paltz, learning German has a personal touch as well. You’ll acquire the relevant cultural information as well as language proficiency. That means you’ll learn the German you’ll need in real-life situations and interact often with your classmates.
Minor in German
Students must complete 15 credits in German at the 300 level or above. For a current list
Other Opportunities
Study Abroad
In our 6-week summer program in Münster, Germany, students live with host families and study the language at the Kapito Language School. Other programs with longer stays are available for you through other SUNY campuses. Courses taken abroad count towards the German contract major or the German minor and can accelerate completion of either program.
Contract Major
Please contact the German Program coordinator for more information about the requirements for a German contract major.
Program Coordinator:
Dr. Bianca Gavin
Office: Old Main 209B
Phone: (845) 257-3509
E-mail: gavinb@newpaltz.edu