Major in Geography

(42-45 credits, leading to a Bachelor of Arts degree)

Required Core Courses (17 Credits)
GEO201Human Geography3
GEO202Physical Geography3
GEO213Economic Geography3
GEO341Introduction to Geographic Information Systems4
GEO342Digital Map Design4
Required Statistics Course (3-4 Credits)
Select one of the following:3-4
Spatial Statistics
Statistics and Public Policy
Introduction to Statistics
Psychological Statistics
Required Science Cognate (4 Credits)
Select one of the following:4
Physical Geology
and Physical Geology Laboratory
Electives (18-20 Credits)
Select six (6) courses in geography, at least four (4) of which must be systematic courses.18-20
Systematic Courses:
People-Environments Geography
Introduction to Urban and Regional Planning
Geography of Hazards
Issues in Urban Planning
Geography of Soils
Geography of Water Resources
Gender and Environment
Advanced People-Environments Geography
Remote Sensing
Political Geography
Geography of Socialism
Natural Resources: Utilization and Management
Geographic Information Systems Applications
Internship in Geography (3,6, or 9)
and Internship Seminar 1
Regional Courses:
World Geography
Cities of the World
Geography of the United States and Canada
Geography of Asia
"Emerging" China and Critical Geopolitics
Total Credits42-45

Major in Geography: Environmental Concentration

(48-49 credits, leading to a Bachelor of Science degree)

Required Courses (17 Credits)
GEO201Human Geography3
GEO202Physical Geography3
GEO213Economic Geography3
GEO341Introduction to Geographic Information Systems4
GEO342Digital Map Design4
Required Environmental Courses (10 Credits)
GEO203People-Environments Geography3
GEO321Geography of Soils4
GEO431Natural Resources: Utilization and Management3
Required Statistics Course (3 Credits)
Select one of the following:3
Spatial Statistics
Statistics and Public Policy
Introduction to Statistics
Required Science Cognate Courses (8 Credits)
Select any two (2) of the following lab courses:8
Physical Geology
and Physical Geology Laboratory
Geomorphology 2
General Biology I
and Gen Bio 1 Lab
General Biology II
and Gen Bio 2 Lab
Electives (10-11 Credits)
Select three (3) of the following systematic geography courses:10-11
Gender and Environment
Remote Sensing
Internship in Geography (3,6, or 9)
and Internship Seminar 1, 3
Total Credits48-49

The internship and corequisite seminar may only be taken with the chair's permission and after the major has been completed or nearly so.


Prereqs: GLG201 Physical Geology and GLG211 Physical Geology Laboratory


Only four (4) credits of GEO480 Internship in Geography (3,6, or 9) may count toward the elective requirements of the Environmental concentration.

Major in Geography: Urban Planning Concentration

(49-54 credits, leading to a Bachelor of Science degree) 

Required Core Courses (30 Credits)
GEO201Human Geography3
GEO202Physical Geography3
GEO213Economic Geography3
GEO214Introduction to Urban and Regional Planning3
GEO314Issues in Urban Planning3
GEO341Introduction to Geographic Information Systems4
GEO342Digital Map Design4
GEO344Spatial Statistics3
GEO441Geographic Information Systems Applications4
Required Cognate Courses (9-11 Credits)
Select one of the following:9-11
Visual Programming
Web Page Design
Computer Science I: Foundations
Select one of the following:
Principles of Microeconomics
Principles of Macroeconomics
Select one of the following:
American Govt and Politics
American Public Policies
Introduction to Law
Electives (3 Credits)
Select one of the following:3
Cities of the World
Geography of Hazards
Quantitative Analysis in Urban Planning
Geography of the United States and Canada
Natural Resources: Utilization and Management
Required Internship (7-10 Credits)
Internship must be 6-9 credits, plus the corequisite seminar:7-10
Internship in Geography (3,6, or 9)
Internship Seminar
Total Credits49-54