42-45 credits, leading to a Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) degree

Required Core Courses (24 Credits)
GEO203People-Environments Geography3
GEO341Introduction to Geographic Information Systems4
POL311American Environmental Politics 3
GEO482Environmental Studies Senior Seminar1
SOC317Environmental Sociology 3
or SOC450 Sociology of Food and Agriculture
GEO344Spatial Statistics3
or MAT241 Introduction to Statistics
Select one of the following:4
Digital Map Design
Remote Sensing
Geographic Information Systems Applications
Select one of the following:3
Gender and Environment
Advanced People-Environments Geography
Climate Change and Society
Physical Science Courses (9-12 Credits)
Select three (3) of the following:9-12
Global Change Biology
General Biology I
and Gen Bio 1 Lab
Environmental Chemistry
General Chemistry I
and General Chemistry I Lab
Energy and the Environment
Physical Geography
Geography of Soils
Geography of Water Resources
Physical Geology
and Physical Geology Laboratory
Interdisciplinary Electives (9 Credits)
Select three (3) of the following, with no more than two (2) from the same department:9
Bioarchaeology of Food
Nature & Science in 19th Century American Art
Environmental Communication
International Energy Economics
Issues in Urban Planning
Gender and Environment
Climate Change and Society
Environmental History of Latin America
Environmental Ethics
American Public Policies
Environmental Sociology
or SOC450
Sociology of Food and Agriculture
Total Credits42-45